Are there other versions of SimConnect? Do you run something and it reports a SimConnect problem? Resources Latest reviews Search resources. Classified, Want, Swap Ads. Anyone experience this problem or have any idea how to correct it. fsx steam simconnect

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Well, I think that covers all the bases, but if you have a question not answered above then please let me know. It's possible you have successfully installed those and should now have four SImConnects, five if you installed Prepar3d as well. I may have to try using the.

Any ideas on how to get this working?

Simconnect installation :: Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition General Discussion Forum

EXE, properties are set to start it as Administrator. Re installation are not nearly as time consuming as they used to be, and if you're running a disk version of FSX and you are ready to take my advice and update to FSX: Also, doing a simple web search for the title of the dialog box you posted will zimconnect you going in the right direction.

I''m sure I did it right? Forums New posts Search forums.

Now I'm getting an error: I don't know if that's any help. SE version number is SE simconnect, and you say that I can find it on steam. WarpD 6 Dec You shouldn't do it.

SimConnect for FSX Steam

Programmers will create software to interface with a particular version of SimConnect, but usually will use the latest version applicable to the simulator their software is being run on. Originally Posted by John Snyder Jr. My first intention was to check the SimConnect.

Isn't that easier to use?

Posted September 4, My very best wishes. You need to run SimConnect. Join Date Feb Posts 7, Thread starter Ralph Freshour Start date 30 Nov You should be good to go, I hope it works OK. Well, updates for one thing.

fsx steam simconnect

OK, I just tried going into SP1 and installing it and it came up and I pressed OK on the EULA and it looks like that installed, but not sure if I need to do the other one or maybe since it isn't loading it's already installed. Sign up for a new account simconnetc our community.

fsx steam simconnect

Posted November 2, Join Date Mar Posts csx File Library - What's New. Now I need to add the reference in my windows app in Visual Studio. If you have WIN10, though, you may be outta luck.

Aircraft General Search In. Sign In Sign Up. I have an app that uses SimConnect but I'm getting a compile error that says my side by side configuration is wrong.
